Applying for a personal loan when money is needed urgently can be a bit of a hassle. Life would be so much easier if there was someone to do all the work on one’s behalf. Luckily there is, and they are called Apply For Loan SA and they are affiliated with trusted and registered money lenders. With a 91% success rate, Apply For Loan SA does all the work for their clients.
Loans on offer range from R1 000 to R15 000 and repayment terms are flexible, ranging between three and 60 months. Apply For Loan SA finds the right money lender for its clients, ensuring that the clients are happy. Interest rates are based on individual applications and will therefore differ, however clients can rest assured that the rates comply with the National Credit Act’s regulations.
The clients’ costs remain the same during the loan term as long as they don’t default on their payments. Apply for Loan SA doesn’t charge any application fees; however clients pay a once off recovery fee of R49.99 which will be debited from the clients’ accounts. Permanently and self employed individuals are welcome to apply. After three payments have been made on the clients’ current loan, they may qualify for another loan which Apply For Loan SA will gladly assist with.
There is no time wasted when applying with Apply For Loan SA because all correspondence takes place via e-mail. By applying online, clients get a response within minutes, with the loan being paid into the client’s account within 48 hours. Apply For Loan SA guarantees 100% quality and confidentiality for their clients.
Clients can apply online at and get pre-approved within 15 seconds. To get in touch with Apply For Loan SA, clients can send an e-mail to