Having access to extra cash can be quite helpful when you need to take care of a financial emergency. The micro finance industry in South Africa is growing and more individuals are relying on the services of loan providers from this sector. The rising cost of living is alarming and is putting many households under pressure. Getting access to loans in order to help to pay for financial needs is a goal of many people in the country.
While banking institutions have strict criteria in general for qualification, many micro lenders often have criteria that are more sympathetic to the various challenges faced by South Africans.
RCS Loans is a leading micro lender that provides instant cash solutions to individuals looking for access to extra cash.
Why choose RCS Loans?
With RCS Loans, you may get the benefit of prequalification in seconds
Applying for the loan is convenient and simple. RCS has a paperless process that doesn’t require individuals to fill in unnecessary paperwork. There are also no long queues to wait in.
- Personal loans are provided from R1000 up to a maximum of R125 000.
- Cash is deposited within 24 hours.
- Loan solutions are offered at competitive rates.
- Flexible repayment terms are offered. Individuals are given 12 to 60 months to pay.
- Loans that are granted are based on what you can afford.
What do you need to apply?
- Be above the age of 18 years
- A valid South African ID
- Earn a minimum amount of R2000 per month
- Have a good credit record
- Have an active bank account
- Provide your latest 3 months’ bank statements
To process your application, RCS will require your valid South African ID as well as your bank account details. If you pre-qualify, RCS will call you or you can call 0861 729 727